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Platinum Velcro-Backed Sanding Discs for Woodturning 25 Pack

Platinum Velcro-backed Discs



Platinum Velcro-Backed Sanding Discs for Woodturning 25 Pack

Ships with 25 discs.

Platinum Velcro-Backed Sanding Discs for Woodturning 25 Pack is one of the best high-performance discs we have used!  Platinum film discs are aggressive cutting, long-lasting, and non-loading!  We first introduced Mylar film discs to the woodturning market years ago and changed how people power sand their woodturning projects.  So why are these discs so good?  Many reasons… One… because of Mylar film backing.  Mylar Film is tear-resistant and because it is tear-resistant you get a long last!   Once you try these hook and loop discs you will see why they are a favorite of mine!  Vince

Watch a quick video explaining Platinum Film Discs right here!


Additional information

Weight N/A

2-3/8 inch Disc, 3-3/8 inch Disc


80, 100, 150, 180, 220, 280, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 9 Grit 25 Discs of Each Grit Special 100, 150, 180, 280, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1200

80, 100, 150, 180, 220, 280, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 10 Grit 25 Discs of Each Grit Special 100, 150, 180, 220 280, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1200


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