DIY Wood Turning Videos

Education is a big part of the woodturning experience and we try to help by providing helpful documents and videos to answer your questions.  Please see our video list below and enjoy.

Vince showing how to use interface pads for power sanding wood projects.

A fun weekend at the Ohio Woodturners Guild Symposium 2013

Vince explains the use of backup pads with more variety to choose from all metal shafts.

Learn the benefits of the Palm Sander and Curved Palm Sander.

The Sanding Wonder is a unique articulated head sander that offers you the best in sanding possibilities!

Vince explains the differences in discs offered from

Vince demonstrating the use of the Hunter #1 Ornament Tool and Tolly Measuring Tools are perfect for turning and measuring ornament globes!

Learn more about the DMT Honing Woodturners Kit.

Honing a Bedan using DMT Sharpening Tools, part 1

Demonstration of sharpening your woodturning tools with DMT products while positioned at the lathe, part 2

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